Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Message from Those Receiving Help in Chattanooga

Charlie and I looked out into our back yard last evening and for the first time in weeks, felt HOPE that our lives would finally get back to normal sooner rather than later. We cannot thank Sister Luke and the Emergency Response Team enough for ALL that they have done: cutting and splitting logs, repairing the fence so our dogs Riley and Sarah can run around and not have to walk on leashes, and clearing out storm debris for us. And to know these good people are volunteers who gave of their time to help others -- what a blessing!

Connie and Charlie Blake, SCNAs
Harrison, TN

Day 2 in Chattanooga

The volunteers arrived at the work site which was a homeowner whose needs included removal of two trees. They were rather large trees that the group cut in to small logs. The team was rolling the logs to the road side for pick up when a man who was working in the area approached the group, asked were they volunteers, then offered to bring his "Bob Cat" to help move the logs to the side of the road. This Good Samaritan helped the group move the logs to the side of the road. Sister Luke stated that, "God Provides," what we need to help others. The remainder of the day will be spent at Connie and Charlie Blake's, SCN Associates, home to continue to provide fence repairs and tree removal.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Volunteers Arrive in Chattanooga

From Sister Luke Boiarski, SCN

We arrived in Chattanooga around 7:30 p.m. and were graciously met by SCN Associates Connie and Charlie Blake, Deb Moore, Lisa Harrison and Sister Marie Celine, SCN. Lisa's daughter, Lindsey, offered to be our guide for the next three days. Thank God!

We outlined our plans for the upcoming three days. First day, Monday we will be working to cut and remove trees, repair fencing and remove debris. We started at 7:00 a.m. and will probably work until 6:00 p.m. We'll end the day with cookout.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chattanooga Commissioning

Luke Boiarski, SCN, along with seven lay mission volunteers, will be commissioned on Sunday, June 19, at St. Vincent Church, Nazareth, at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy. They will be traveling to the Chattanooga, Tenn., and northern Georgia areas to assist homeowners in their continued efforts with clean-up and home repairs after tornadoes hit the area in late April. They will return on Thursday, June 23. Please pray for their safety.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Volunteers continue work in Joplin

Five volunteers continue to help with immediate assistance for families affected by the recent tornado in Joplin, Missouri. They plan to return to Kentucky on Sunday. Check back for a full account of their experience soon.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Volunteer Efforts Continue in Joplin, Mo. Today

See St. Mary's Parish before the storm hit here.

The group of five, two SCNs, two SCNAs and the nephew of one Sister have been in touch and are still hard at work in Joplin, Mo., today. They report that damage from the storm is almost unbelievable to witness in person and that there is much relief still needed for the area.

More photos sent from the volunteer group have arrived, including the picture above of the remains of St. Mary's Church. Click here for more photos of the effort.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Joplin, Missouri - This says it all...

Joplin, Missouri

After receiving word from Amtrack that the train from Chicago to Montana was once again being delayed because of flooding in North Dakota, five of the nine volunteers made the decision to postpone our mission trip to the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana and travel to Joplin, Missouri on June 8th.

We arrived in Joplin around 5:30pm. We were graciously welcomed to take up residence in the College View Baptist Church for the next four days.

In our hearts, we know that this is where we should be,
helping our brothers and sisters to recover from the harshness of this horrible tragedy.

Sr. Luke
Sr. Janet

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Montana Commissioning

SCNs Luke Boiarski and Janet Ballard, SCNAs Sharon Cecil and Trudi Maish, along with five other lay mission volunteers will be commissioned on Friday, June 3, at St. Vincent Church, Nazareth, at the 10:50 a.m. liturgy. They will be traveling from Chicago by Amtrak train to the Blackfeet Native American Reservation in Browning, Montana. They will be working with the De La Salle Christian Brothers painting and repairing homes on the reservation. Please pray for safe travel on their journey.