We'll start the house building this morning. We are anxious to get started. Last night we went to mass at St. Martin de Porres ... it was a wonderful liturgy with drums, guitars and signing. As soon as we got here yesterday, we traveled to Las Flores to see Sr. Paschal, Sr. Carlette and Sr. Rosemarie's ministry. They work with the refugees from El Salvador and are building a library, teaching English, run a preschool, and teaching women trade skillls such as sewing. We packed a lot into the first day.
We'll gather for a short prayer and then on to the work site.
We had a great first day on the house. We have the floor completely finished ... plywood nailed and all. Plus we finished the frames for 3 walls ... we have two more to go tomorrow ... plus the planking of the wood … for the exterior - which we hope to do tomorrow. The roof and then painting. Balentine and Fonz said we did a good job today, as much as groups normally accomplish on the first day. As you can imagine with this group we bent a lot of nails ... the two that are helping us just stood back and laughed at one point. It was hot
We had chicken soup for supper tonight. We ate quickly and went to the SCN Center where we met with Sisters Maggie, Chris, BJ and Bev. Sister Julie is visiting until the end of the week. We had Garifuna singers and dancers tonight. And yes, we all did the Punta.
We are building a house for Magdalana (age 39) who is living with her two daughters and her four grandchildren. The grandchildren are aged: 1 month up to 5 years. Magdalana helped today on the worksite and really did a great job. She is a worker and is really appreciative about getting this house and all the work we are doing to by volunteering our time. The house is 16 ft x 16 ft, 2 rooms with 1 small bath area.
This group is very tired tonight - but feel proud that we are helping to build the house and making a difference for this family. The people we've met here have all been really nice and glad to welcome us to Belize.
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