This morning we met Anna, an SCNA, before we attended the Setswana Mass in Kanye. Jane, an SCNA, taught Sunday school in the church yard. During Mass, we were filled with spirit as the choir sang with their whole hearts. At the end of the two and a half hour liturgy, we felt like we had truly celebrated God's goodness. It is obvious that Sr. Pat is loved very much in the parish. Her smile and the light in her eyes as she greeted parishioners tell of her great love for them also.
This afternoon we visited an orphanage in Jwaneng that the Sisters of Charity helped to found. There are currently 52 children there and they have a waiting list. There are 10 small homes on the campus - each with a house mother- where they live as a family. We were so impressed with the facility and pleased to see how the seeds the SCNs planted there are now vibrant with life.
On the way back to Kanye, we drove through a game park. We spotted several giraffes, wart hogs, a wildebeest and impalas. What made the day, though, was when we turned a corner and saw a ZEBRA!
Tomorrow, we head to the village of Tswaneng where we will paint the church and replace the doors over the next few days. Stay tuned! Thanks for your prayers.
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